Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Message 101 - Why Should We Care About a Product?

So what? 

Does anybody have the guts to ask that question during any advertising agency meeting? 

Do they even know to ask the question?

Why should the consumer care about your product?

What's your value proposition?

We'll, this week two brothers walked away with a cool $1 million dollars for creating a advertisement for Doritos that ran during the Super Bowl. --- Great! Exciting! Wahoo! --- Why is this exciting? Simple. These two men did exactly the same thing for Doritos as an advertising agency would do for Doritos. Nothing. Two unknown filmmakers got really creative and made a spot that did nothing to sell Doritos --- just like the advertising agencies of today.

Brand.Hooks are one of the tools our company GC Brandginnering, uses when developing a message about a product. A simple description of a Brand.Hook is that one important thing the consumer takes with them after contact with a message about that product.

So, what did America take way when they watched the Doritos commercial?

Carl Hartman

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