Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Hey Bud.TV, Let's Party

When we heard about Anheuser-Busch's $30-40 million Bud.TV Network, we hoped that something on the web site would actually be worth watching.

The first complaints we have heard from other users was the difficult login process. We had no trouble. Using our über-wideband connection we attempted to view the views, but they chugged and clunked along. Rather annoying.

Our first reaction was "Who snorted the first $29.9 million away?" Surely, the people that developed the site either lined their own pockets or spent the money on cocaine. Somewhere, with all the money spent on high production values somebody forgot the most important part of media production - story. It is kinda like real estate - location, location, location. Story, story, story. People have to have licenses to do all sorts of things in this world, making media should be one of them.

Obviously, some of the content was licensed or acquired, therefore the budget couldn't have been blown on production. After spending $5000 on web site production and a few hundred thousand on production, the remaining money could have been spent on good content that attracted viewers. What did they do, supply 30 people with a keg of beer and $1 million, then turn them loose. This is media production done in an alcohol induced stupor. Maybe the execs that funded this at Anheuser-Busch were equally filled with their own product when they created this mess.

Bud.TV will fail, not because the idea sucks, but the content. Everybody thinks they can make TV or movies. Just because you own a camera and live in NYC or LA does not make you a filmmaker. Most of the people we went to film school with twenty years ago are still waiting tables. What is even more sad is that there are REALLY good filmmakers out there with GREAT ideas and can't get them made, meanwhile somebody soaked Bud.TV for the load of crap on their site now.

Bud.TV would have had better results just burning the money.

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